Thursday, March 7, 2013

beauty is skin deep.

Dear Beautiful,
A big part of pulling a look together is makeup: foundation, blush, mascara… the whole nine yards! I first fell in love with makeup at a young age, when I started watching TLC’s “What Not to Wear”. The recurring makeup artist on the show at the time, Carmindy Bowyer, opened my eyes to the artistry that is makeup. In her book "The Five Minute Face", she says her inspiration to be a makeup artist came from her mother who herself was an artist – she sees makeup as an art form, only her canvas is skin. 

Carmindy’s view on makeup has always been to bring out someone’s natural beauty, never to cover it up. She will always ask her clients what their favorite features are about themselves and accentuate them with makeup. If you do watch “What Not to Wear”, then you know that many times, the women have a really hard time finding features they love on their face, and to me that’s the saddest thing. Everyone has beauty in them! It has everything to do with confidence: exude what you feel on the inside and people will feel it and believe it!


So here’s my challenge for you today after reading this post: go look in the nearest mirror and do a mirror mantra. Find something about your appearance that you truly love, and tell yourself things like “I love my smile!” or “I love my deep blue eyes”.
You’re beautiful baby, believe it!


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