Thursday, January 10, 2013

the mom jean effect.

Dear Mommy’s,
Now I hesitantly write this blog post expecting to get defensive feedback, because woman as a breed tend to get defensive easily when it comes to there kids. But I’m writing it anyways because frankly I don’t care. But here it is... just because you’re a mom does NOT mean you need to stop taking care of yourself! It’s hard work, I know. However it’s not an excuse to put yourself on the back burner.


I believe that in the long haul, your kids will look up to you even more because they’ll see that besides being a super mom all the time, you took time to stay at your best, and will ultimately make you feel your best. Kids know when you’re not feeling happy, even if you cover it up with a smile. So to all you Mommy’s out there, go find a babysitter, grab your girlfriends and go shopping! Get a haircut and your nails done while you’re at it, heck go grab a drink. You deserve it.

Now let’s take a minute to admire the always fashionable celebrity mom’s out there! 

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